For Research Sponsors

Research sponsors gain significant contributions and creative insights into their scholarly, creative and research work through this unique teaching opportunity.  Learn about some of the program's features (PDF)

We thank you in advance for your willingness to engage undergraduates in this enterprise. This program would not be possible without your participation.

Not a sponsor, yet? Here are a few more reasons to become one.

Top Reasons Researchers Benefit from UROP

  • Get help advancing your current scholarly, creative or research project.
  • Start a new project.
  • Get background work done for a potential project.
  • Work with bright students who are motivated to do research.
  • Engage students who may stay with you for several years.
  • Funding is available to support your work with students (up to $500 per student).
  • Interact with undergraduate researchers who bring fresh points of view, enthusiasm, and who are fun to have around.

Contact Us

Please contact our office if you are interested in becoming a research sponsor or if you are a current research sponsor with questions or concerns about your student.