Graduate Programs

Four graduate degrees are offered by the Physics and Astronomy Department:

Additional information can be found in the .

Student Testimonials

Enrique Hurtado

"Whether it's preparing you for a Ph.D program or industry, a Master's in Computational Physics from ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ is a great foundation. I took the industry route, and found that the asset that I had was the ability to solve problems, not necessarily how much Physics I knew. This allowed me to be very versatile in my career; my roles were Test, Systems, Data analysis, and Software Development. The computational physics degree allowed me to move into any field that was necessary to advance my career, and ultimately to the one I desired: Software Engineering."

-Enrique Hurtado, M.S. Physics 2019. Enrique is currently a Software Engineer in Sunnyvale, CA.

Hear what more past graduates have to say about our programs: Graduate Student Testimonials.


Please use the following information to apply to a graduate degree in the Physics and Astronomy Department.


The deadline for the Fall semester is generally May 31, and for the Spring semester is October 31. It is at least month earlier for international students. Please check with our advisors and department office. Note that we usually admit Fall cohorts and only on a case by case basis for the Spring.

How to Apply

Apply online at . No separate application to the department is required.In your Cal State Apply application, your statement of purpose should contain:

  1. your goals beyond the Master's degree (what do you plan to do with the degree), and
  2. what Physics research you would like to pursue in the department if admitted.

Your personal statement and letter of recommendation will be forwarded to the Department if you meet the University's minimal admission requirements stated below. If you wish to send any additional material to support your application that is not mentioned or requested in Cal State Apply, please contact the graduate advisor:

Minimal Admission Requirements

  • BS or BA
  • GPA > 2.5
  • No GRE required
  • TOEFL > 550 or >80 (iBT) (for international students)

If you have a Bachelor in a field different from physics please contact the graduate advisor to determine the course of action. If you are interested in the APS Bridge Program, please contact the Bridge Site Advisor.

Each program has 3 components:

  1. Core classes that every student has to take (19 units)
  2. Electives (a minimum of 5 or 6 units) chosen in accordance with one of the options: General Physics, Applied Physics, Computational Physics, or Professional Physics
  3. Research performed with one of the faculty (a minimum of 6 units) resulting in a Master's thesis

The minimum number of units required for the Master's degree is 31 units. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ may take more units depending on interest and research foci. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ should first contact the graduate advisor if they intend to take classes not directly related to the Master's degree.

The possibility to do a comprehensive exam instead of the Master's thesis is offered. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ should express their interest early by contacting the graduate advisor.

Core classes are mandatory for every Master's student and should preferably be taken in the order presented in the following table:

Core Classes by Semester
Semester Class Course
S1 PHYS 545, 546, 548, 562, 576, or 580 Experimental Physics or Computational Physics1 (3 units)
S1 PHYS 560A Mathematical Methods in Physics (3 units)
S2 PHYS 510 Mechanics (3 units)
S2 PHYS 540A Electrodynamics (3 units)
S2 PHYS 697C Directed Research in Computational Physics2 (3 units)
S3 PHYS 550A Quantum Mechanics I (3 units)
S3 PHYS 698 or 699 Thesis or Professional Project3 (3 or 4 units)
S4 PHYS 522 Statistical Physics (3 units)
S4 PHYS 698 Thesis (3 units)
Any PHYS 595 Colloquium4 (1 unit)

1All students have to choose one experimental physics class listed above as a core class. If a student decides to do a thesis in theoretical physics, he/she is expected to take Advanced Computational Physics (PHYS-562) in semester 1 and an experimental physics class in any of the other semesters. For a student doing a thesis in experimental physics, he/she is expected to take the experimental physics class available in semester 1 and further experimental classes in other semesters.

2ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ who choose the option Computational Physics will take PHYS 697C units with their thesis advisor.

3The Professional Project is for students who choose the Master's of Science in Professional Physics.

4Although only one unit of Colloquium (PHYS-595) is required for one of the above semesters, it is expected that students attend the colloquium regularly during the entire time they are at the department, unless there is a conflict with class and teaching schedules.

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ will specialize their knowledge in one of the options: Applied Physics, Computational Physics, General Physics, or Professional Physics. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ aiming at a teaching career can choose any of these options and will be involved in the PhysTEC program. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ who choose the Professional Physics path will do a Master's professional project instead of a thesis.

The following indicates the additional required classes a student has to take for each option in semester 3 or 4.

Applied Physics

  1. One additional experimental class (3 units) among:
    • PHYS 545 Advanced Experimental Methods in Material Science (3 units)
    • PHYS 546 Advanced Experimental Methods in Physical and Electronic Properties (3 units)
    • PHYS 547 Advanced Experimental Methods in Nanoscale Physics (3 units)
    • PHYS 548 Advanced Experimental Methods in Soft Condensed Physics (3 units)
    • PHYS 576 Modern Optics with Laboratory (3 units)
    • PHYS 580 Computer Interfacing in Experimental Physics (3 units)
  2. Any 500-level (or above) physics class useful for the Master's thesis (minimum 2 units)

Computational Physics

  1. PHYS 550B Quantum Mechanics II (3 units)
  2. PHYS-562 Computational Physics (3 units)

General Physics

  1. PHYS 550 B Quantum Mechanics II (3 units)
  2. Any 500-level (or above) physics class useful for the Master's thesis (minimum 2 units)

Professional Physics

  1. One 500-level (or above) physics class (3 units)
  2. Three classes (9 units) as follows (contact the graduate advisor for enrollment permits):
    • MGMT 300 Principles of Management and Operations (3 units)
    • HRM 360 Organizational Behavior (3 units)
    • PHYS 692 Internship (3 units)

We highly recommend Master's students to perform research in close supervision with one or several faculty members during the academic year and/or the summer. This activity offers the opportunity to expand the knowledge acquired in class and to apply this knowledge on an actual scientific problem. The publication of research results in peer reviewed journals is often an achievable goal.

The research topics are listed for each option.

Applied Physics

A student choosing Applied Physics will acquire skills in state-of-the-art experimental techniques used primarily in Condensed Matter, Materials Science and Chemical Physics. Theoretical work in these areas is also possible.

Faculty working in areas related to Experimental Condensed Matter and Materials Science are:

  • T. Gredig - organic semiconductors, solar cells
  • J.Y. Gu - magnetism and superconductivity
  • C. Kwon - superconductivity, nanoparticles
  • C. Ojeda-Aristizabal - quantum coherence, low dimensional systems, graphene

Faculty working in areas related to Condensed Matter and Materials Theory are:

  • A. Bill - superconductivity, magnetism, crystallization
  • M. Peterson - strongly correlated systems, quantum topological phases
  • G.T. Pickett - polymer physics, origami

Computational Physics

Computers are one of the essential modern tools used to solve a physical problem or simulate or model a real system. A student choosing Computational Physics will acquire practical skills on how to solve differential and integral equations how to model a system and write a program that allows calculating quantities that can be compared with experimental data or predict the outcome of an experiment. The skills are universal in the sense that they may be applied to any field of Physics.

Faculty working in areas involving Computational Physics are:

  • A. Bill - condensed matter and materials theory
  • P. Jaikumar - astrophysics
  • Z. Papp - few body systems, quantum mechanics
  • M. Peterson - condensed matter and materials theory
  • G.T. Pickett - condensed matter and materials theory

General Physics

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ interested in any topic not covered by the above options, such as Particle Physics, will choose this path to acquire in depth knowledge in a chosen subject.

Faculty working in these fields are:

  • Z. Hlousek - particle physics
  • S. Rajpoot - particle physics
  • any other faculty of the department for other topics

Physics Education and Teaching

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ interested in doing physics education research or improving student learning may choose this path. The research will be supervised by physics and science education faculty Faculty working in areas related to physics education online should contact Z. Hlousek, T. Gredig, or C. Kwon. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ interested in aspects of teaching and learning of physics should contact C. Kwon.

Professional Physics

This program is especially suited for students who either come from industry, or aim at working in industry after the Master's may choose that path or another one. The particularity about Professional Physics is that it provides some knowledge and skills in fields not usually covered in the a traditional Physics program but that are encountered and used in industry. The list of specific classes taught for that career path are given in the section "Electives and Required Classes for Each Option" above.

In addition, students following that track may not want or have time to devote for a Master's thesis that involves research at the graduate level and requires time in the laboratory. Instead, the Professional Physics path requires students to do an internship in a company and write a project document. ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ interested in that career path should contact the graduate advisor.

To enable M.S. students to succeed in their future endeavors in industry, PhD programs or teaching, we designed classes that train students to achieve the following additional graduate learning objectives:

  1. Obtain a solid knowledge of graduate Physics,
  2. Gain proficiency in Mathematical techniques necessary for understanding graduate Physics,
  3. Obtain hands-on training in the use of advanced experimental and computational methods and techniques to solve problems.
  4. Gain aptitude to model complicated multifaceted problems and use methods to conceive a path to solve these problems.
  5. Gain maturity in solving a problem by gaining stamina, endurance and perseverance in a long research project that culminates in the writing of a MS thesis and its oral defense.