Conflict Resolution cases are documented in Maxient, the university’s online secure case management system. Access to an individual’s files and cases is restricted to designated administrators only; other campus administrators do not have the ability to view files that are not under their purview. Administrators handling Conflict Resolution cases may only share details with university officials with “a need to know”. All relevant parties should be notified when a Conflict Resolution case is concluded, but specific details regarding any actions taken, disciplinary measures, sanctions, or consequences should remain confidential, unless legal requirements or the CSU Nondiscrimination Policy necessitate disclosure.
We encourage reporting all known information about the incident when reporting a Conflict Resolution Incident Report. An individual can submit a Conflict Resolution incident anonymously, but response to the allegations may be limited and thus, may not fully investigated if the University is unable to gather more information. In these situations, the incident may not have any resolution and any appropriate actions by the university.
- Trainings for Employees
- “Recognizing and Addressing Micro-Behaviors in the Workplace,” CSU Learn Training Module
- “Principles of Supervision,” a training for new supervisors, offered by Systemwide Learning and Development
- “Chairing for Success,” a training for new department chairs, offered by Systemwide Learning and Development
- CSU Academy, a training for emerging leaders in higher education, offered by Systemwide Learning and Development
- The Deans’ Academy, a training for new deans, offered by Systemwide Human Resources
- Resources for Ӱ
- Peer Mediation at Ӱ: PeerMediation@csulb.edu
Resources may vary depending on your role with the university. Please visit the Resources | ӰState University Long Beach (csulb.edu) for more information.
- The Conflict Resolution reporting process is intended to receive reports that are outside the scope of other policies and procedures that exist at Ӱ, such as:
- ܰ Office of Equity & Compliance reviews and investigates allegations of Discrimination, Harassment, and Retaliation as it relates to protected status, as well as Sexual Misconduct, Sexual Harassment, Dating/Domestic Violence, and Stalking.
- ܰ Student Conduct Office is the correct office to report a student’s behavior that may violate our Student Conduct Code.
- Please contact your union representative if you would like to discuss and/or file a grievance related to employee collective bargaining agreements.
- If your concern or problem relates to any of above offices, please use the links provided to take you to those offices to pursue any concerns you have. If a campus community member or visitor is unsure of who to report an incident form, the Conflict Resolution Form should be completed. The reporting will be routed to the appropriate campus office for follow up.
No. However, reports should be submitted as soon as possible after the conduct occurs. Timely reporting will better enable the campus to respond to the issue(s), determine the best course of action, and provide supportive measures, if applicable.
- Complainant: the person who the was the target of the alleged conduct.
- Respondent: the person who is alleged to have engaged in the conduct.
- Witness: anyone who saw some or all of the alleged conduct.