Undergraduate Program

The Speech-Language Pathology Department provides coursework for students planning to pursue careers in speech‑language pathology or audiology. Ӱ who successfully complete the required coursework may earn a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) degree in Speech-Language Pathology.

Ӱ pursuing a B.A. degree and completing an elective course may be eligible for State of ӰLicensure as a Speech-Language Pathology Assistant and speech-language pathology assistants (SLPA) certification from the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association.

Program Objectives

The primary goal of the undergraduate program is to provide our students with a broad education in normal and disordered processes of speech, language, hearing, and swallowing. This goal has the following objectives:

  • Provide our students with an understanding of normal development in speech, hearing, language, swallowing, and communication
  • Provide our students with an understanding of the genetic, cultural, neurological, physiological, psychological, and socioeconomic factors which can disrupt normal development in speech, hearing, language, swallowing, and communication
  • Prepare students for professional graduate training as speech-language pathologists

The sequence of undergraduate courses (57-58 units) is from normal processes to disordered processes, and finally, to assessment/management of children, adolescents, and adults with speech, language, and/or swallowing disorders.

Course Requirements for Undergraduate SLP Major

Take all the following courses: (“C” or better required)

SLP 261 - Anatomy and Physiology of the Speech and Hearing Mechanism (3 units)

SLP 271 - Phonetics (3 units)

Take one of the following courses: (“C” or better required)

STAT 108 - Statistics for Everyday Life (3 units)

STAT 118 - Introductory Business Statistics (3 units)

PSY 110 - Introductory Statistics (4 units)

HDEV 190 - Elementary Statistics in Social and Behavioral Sciences (4 units)

SOC 170 - Elementary Statistics (4 units)

Take all the following courses: (“C” or better required)

SLP 329 - Language Acquisition: From Birth Through Adolescence (3 units)

SLP 330 - Speech and Hearing Science (3 units)

SLP 373 - Introduction to Audiology I (3 units)

SLP 440 - Aural Rehabilitation (3 units)

SLP 456 - Introduction to Speech Sound Disorders (3 units)

SLP 460 - Multicultural and Multilingual Issues in Speech- Language Pathology (3 units)

SLP 464 - Cultural Competence in Behavior Management and Counseling in Speech-Language Pathology (3 units)

SLP 466 - Introduction to Motor Speech Disorders and Fluency Disorders (3 units)

SLP 472 - Introduction to Augmentative and Alternative Communication (3 units)

SLP 476 - Introduction to Voice Disorders/Oro‑facial Mechanism (3 units)

SLP 477 - Introduction to Swallowing Disorders (3 units)

SLP 481A - Introduction to Language Disorders in Children (3 units)

SLP 481B - Introduction to Acquired Neurogenic Communication Disorders in Adults (3 units)

SLP 483 - Introduction to Clinical Management (3 units)

SLP 485 - Introduction to Autism Spectrum Disorders for Speech-Language Pathologists (3 units)

SLP 489 - Clinical Observations and Professional Writing for Prospective Speech-Language Pathologists (3 units)

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