Balance & Prevention of Falls
The Balance and Prevention of Falls laboratory provides evaluation and treatment of balance-related and gait problems. Current research in the lab focuses on optimizing multidimensional fall prevention programs in community-dwelling older adults to improve mobility and decrease the risk for falls.
Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT

Effects of cognitive and motor multitask training on balance and fall risk in community- dwelling older adults.
Principal Investigator: Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT
Talk the Talk, Walk the Walk: The Relationship between Gait, Executive Function, and Vision during Dual-Tasking.
Principal Investigator: Olfat Mohamed, PhD, PT
Prevent Falls @ the Beach
Evidence-based multifactorial group exercise program offered to OLLI members every spring semester.
The lab is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment including the Balance Master, the Physiologic Profile Assessment (PPA), GaitRite and the electronic Zenowalkway.