Program Overview

Program Overview

The Single Subject Credential Program is a self-paced program that is for candidates that have a bachelor's degree in any area from ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ or another accredited institution within the U.S. For candidates that have a bachelor's degree from outside the U.S., they will need to seek foreign transcript evaluation by an agency that is approved by the Commission on Teacher Credentialing to ensure that their degree is equivalent to a U.S. Bachelor's degree.

At ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ we offer the Single Subject Credential Program in the following 10 areas:

Candidate must show subject matter competence in the area that they choose to pursue. Subject matter competency can be met by completing a subject matter preparation program, through transcript evaluation or by passing the CSET exam for the specific subject area. 

The Single Subject Credential Program is comprised of a total of 45 units over 9 courses (1 pre-requisites, 4 co-requisites and 4 core courses, and student teaching seminar course) and a semester of student teaching.  The program can be completed in 3 semesters (a year and a half) if you attend full time however, it is self-paced and the courses may be attended part time. Candidates are allowed 7 years from program admittance to complete the program. Each course is valid for 7 years from the semester it is taken and the program must be completed prior to courses expiring to avoid having to retake any of them.  Below is the list of courses required for the program.


Pre-Requisite (3 units)

  • EDSS 300* (Subject Specific) – Introduction to Teaching
    This course requires 35 hours of fieldwork.
    EDSS 300 for Health & Music are offered during the Fall semester only. 

Co-Requisites (12 units)
Can be taken at any time but must be completed prior to student teaching.

  • HSC 411B – Health Science for Secondary Teachers
  • EDSP 355B – Collaborative Models of Inclusive Education
  • ED P 301 – Child Development and Learning
    ED P 302 – Early and Late Adolescent Development
    ED P 305 – Educational Psychology
  • Level I Technology
    Candidates may satisfy the Level I technology course in one of the following ways: 
              - 3 unit Technology Course
              Art - ART 305
              English - ENGL 337
              Math - MTED 301
              WL/LOTE - RGR 470
              PE - KIN 354
              ETEC 444 - All Subject Areas

             - 1-unit Assessment Only Course
               ETEC 411

     *Candidates in the Science program do not need an additional technology course since it is embedded into 450C, which for science only is a 4 rather than 3 unit class.
    **Candidates that complete the Music subject matter preparation program at ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ do not need an additional technology course.

Core Courses (12 units)

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ must be admitted to the program to take core classes.

  • EDSE 435 – US Secondary Schools: Intercultural Education - 15 Hours Fieldwork
  • EDSE 436 – Curriculum, Instruction, Assessment and Classroom Management - 15 Hours Fieldwork
  • EDSE 458 â€“ Reading and Writing in Secondary School for Humanities (Art/Engl/Music/Soc Sci/ World Lang) - 15 Hours Fieldwork
    EDSE 459 - Reading and Writing in Secondary School for STEM (Health/Math/PE/Science)
  • EDSS 450* - Curriculum and Methods in Teaching - 25 Hours Fieldwork
    EDSS 450 for Health is offered during the Spring semester only.
    EDSS 450 for Music is offered during the Fall semester only.

Student Teaching (18 units)

  • EDSS 472A
  • EDSS 472B
  • EDSS 472C
  • EDSS 473* Seminar 

Course Sequence

The Single Subject Credential Program is a self-paced program allowing candidates to attend full time or part time. Below is a suggested course sequence for candidates that have completed the subject matter competency requirement. Candidates that still have subject matter competency courses to complete may need to add additional semesters to complete those course requirements.

Semester 1 - Pre & co-Requisite Courses (12-15 units)

  • EDSS 300
  • EDSP 355B
  • H SC 411B
  • ED P 301/302/305
  • Level I Tech Course

Semester 2 - Core Courses

  • EDSE 435
  • EDSE 436
  • EDSE 458/459
  • EDSS 450

Semester 3 - Student Teaching (18 units)

  • EDSS 472A
  • EDSS 472B
  • EDSS 472C
  • EDSS 473

*Subject specific courses may not be offered in both Fall and Spring semesters. 

EDSS 300
X X 
ED P 301, 302, 305XX*XX*
Level I TechX X 
EDSS 450
SPRING Only – EDSS 450B, EDSS 450D
Fall Only - EDSS 450N
X X 
EDSE 457/458/459X XX* (EDSE 457)

If you think you completed a course that meets the credential course requirement, you may file a Request for Course Equivalency.  The Single Subject Credential Program has a short list of pre-approved course equivalencies. Click here for more information on pre-approved course equivalencies and for information on how to file a Request for Course Equivalency. The Single Subject Credential Program accepts up to 9 units of course equivalencies from other institutions. Course Equivalency Requests for the pre-requisite course (EDSS 300) are not accepted. To file a Course Equivalency Request, download the form and fill it out, attach 1) a copy of your unofficial transcript from the institution that you took the course at, 2) a copy of the course catalog description and 3) a copy of the syllabi if available. Submit your Course Equivalency Request to the Student Success & Advising Center in EED-32. Course Equivalency Requests are accepted in person and by mail. Course Equivalency Requests may also be submitted online through the . Be sure to upload the Course Equivalency Request form along with the required documentation. 

At the completion of the program the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ Credential Center will recommend candidates to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing for their Single Subject Teaching Credential.  The Credential is issued from the CTC and not from ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ. To be recommended for the credential, candidates must satisfy all of the following ÃÛÌÒÓ°ÏñCredential Requirements:

  1. Complete a baccalaureate or higher degree, except in professional education, from a regionally accredited college or university
  2. Satisfy the basic skills requirement 
  3. Complete a Commission-approved teacher preparation program including successful student teaching and teaching performance assessment, and obtain a formal recommendation for the credential by the ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñcollege or university where the program was completed
  4. Verify subject matter competence by one of the following methods: 
    1. Achieve a passing score on the appropriate subject-matter examination(s). 
    2. Complete a Commission-approved subject-matter program or its equivalent and obtain verification of completion from the authorized person in the education department of a ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñcollege or university with an approved program
  5. Satisfy the Developing English Language Skills, including Reading requirement by completing a comprehensive reading instruction course that includes the following: the systematic study of phonemic awareness, phonics, and decoding; literature, language and comprehension; and diagnostic and early intervention techniques (EDSE 457/458/459)
  6. Complete a course (two semester units or three quarter units) in the provisions and principles of the U.S. Constitution or pass an examination given by a regionally-accredited college or university
  7. Complete foundational computer technology course work that includes general and specialized skills in the use of computers in educational settings (Level I Technology co-requisite course)