Location of Materials and Services

Location Based on Call Numbers
Call Numbers (Including Oversize) Location / Floor
A - G (Books) 2nd Floor Stacks
H - PQ (Books) 3rd Floor Stacks
PR - Z (Books) 4th Floor Stacks
Except for PZ (Children's Literature) 2nd Floor, Room 200 and 204
A - Z (Bound Periodicals) ORCA

If you need to know what subjects are included in specific call numbers, please consult the .

Special Locations and Materials
Material Location
Accessible Restrooms All Floors
1st Floor, Lobby
Search OneSearch
Cassettes ORCA
2nd Floor, Room 200 and 204
Compact Discs ORCA
Computers (OneSearch & SignUp) All Floors
Copy Machines 1st Floor
Lower Level, Room 013
Search OneSearch
Graphic Novels 2nd Floor
Group Study Areas 3rd and 5th floor study room, Children's Collection; Spidell Technology Center
I-Space Lower Level
3rd Floor study room
Media ORCA
Microforms (cards, fiche, film) Inquire at the Circulation Desk
Mystery Collection 3rd Floor study room
Newspapers 1st Floor
ORCA 1st Floor
Periodicals, Current 1st Floor
Playscripts 3rd Floor
Printers All computers print to 1st Floor printers
Quiet Study Areas 2nd floor study room and 4th floor stacks perimeter carrels
Records ORCA
Research and Information 1st Floor
Reserve 1st Floor
Restrooms All Floors
3rd Floor, Room 300
Spidell Technology Center 1st Floor
Storage Inquire at the Circulation Desk
2nd Floor, Room 204
Theses (ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ print collection) ORCA
Thesis and Dissertation Office 2nd Floor, Room 202C
3rd Floor, Room 300
University Honors Program 5th Floor, Room 507
Video (Cassettes, DVDs, etc.) ORCA