Kick-off event for student leaders from Student Cultural Resource Centers to discuss space ideas, listening to hopes and concerns of Ӱ students, and showing example from other universities in regard to the relocation of the Cultural Resource Centers.

Approximately 20-25 students were in attendance.

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Student Cultural Resource Centers Questionnaires - April 4, 2021

Questionnaires were emailed to SCRC staff, including student assistants.

Questionnaire Results

Focus Group Communications - April 9, 2021

Staff were informed by student organizations that not all interested students received the initial invitation to the kickoff event. Staff sent the presentation and information regarding individual focus groups for each cultural group.

Focus Groups

Eight focus groups were held over April 13 and 14 for students to share their thoughts, opinions, and concerns regarding the relocation of the Student Cultural Resource Centers (SCRC). These focus groups were structured to provide and create open communication between the students and consultants.

April 13, 2021

Muslim SCRC
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
Eight students in attendance

Dream Success Center
1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
No more than ten students in attendance

Puvunga SCRC
2:00 – 3:00 p.m.
One student in attendance

4:00 – 5:00 p.m.
No more than ten students in attendance


April 14, 2021

Asian American and Pacific Islander (AAPI) SCRC
12:00 – 1:00 p.m.
One Student in attendance

1:00 – 2:00 p.m.
Four students were in attendance

Black/Pan-African SCRC
Three students in attendance

Student Cultural Resource Centers Survey Results - April 14, 2021

Consultants distributed a survey via SurveyMonkey to allow students to share their opinions about the project. Survey distributed in March 2021.

28 total responses. Women and Gender Equity Center 9. Dream Success Center 8. LGBTQ Student Cultural Resource Center 5. Asian American and Pacific Islander Student Cultural Resource Center 4. Multicultural Center 3. Raza Student Cultural Resource Center 2. Pan-African Student Cultural Resource Center 2. Muslim Student Cultural Resource Center 2. Puvungna Student Cultural Resource Center 2. Other 2.

Days per week on campus pre-pandemic. 71% of students spent at least 4 days on campus. Days per week at the Centers pre-pandemic. 33% of students spent at least 4 days at the center. Time spent at the centers pre-pandemic. 38% of students spent 2 to 8 hours at the center.

Days per week at the Centers post-pandemic. 50% of students would spend at least 4 days at the center. Time spent at the centers post-pandemic. 62% of students would spend 2 to 8 hours at the center.

Top 3 words that best describe current centers environment, comfortable 65%, welcoming 43%, and open 35%. Top 3 words that best describe ideal centers environment, welcoming 65%, comfortable 61%, accessible 43%. Most important features/spaces for the new center, computers, tables, storage, gathering space, private rooms, study space, sound-proof walls, natural lighting, centrally located.

Highest hopes. A comfortable, welcoming, and informal space with the necessary resources for each center. Greatest fears. The center will be hard to find and not include enough space for each center. The center will be unwelcoming with a lack of privacy for individual centers and too much surveillance.

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Staff and student assistants from Multicultural Affairs & Inclusion and staff from Campus Planning toured the Diversity Initiatives and Resource Centers at CSUF inclusive of the Dreamers Resource Center, African-American Resource Center, Asian Pacific American Resource Center, LGBT Queer Resource Center, and the Chicana & Chicano Resource Center.


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Student Feedback Form - September 2021

The Office of Multicultural Affairs staff created a digital feedback form via Ӱ Beach Sync.  The form was intended to gather students’ thoughts, ideas, and comments regarding the resource centers.  Ӱ could fill out the form anonymously.  A total of 1 response was submitted. 

“rules and guidelines for allies in order to make the spaces safe and comfortable for those they were meant for. Collaboration and recognition of the work of the Student Cultural Organizations that maintain the centers.”


Student Questionnaire - October 2021

The Office of Multicultural Affairs staff created a digital questionnaire via Ӱ Beach Sync.  The OMA Resource Centers Community Questionnaire had six questions that students could fill out anonymously if desired.

  • Which Resource Center do you utilize (check all that apply)? *
  • What would you like to see in your Resource Center space? (i.e. study area, lounge area, kitchen area, etc.)  *
  • What activities do you participate in at in the Resource Center? *
  • What is working in the existing Resource Center? *
  • What can be improved in the existing Resource Center? *
  • What environment would you like to experience in the Resource Centers?

Student leaders and organizations were emailed via Ӱ email accounts and organizations emails the link to fill out the questionnaire. A total of 2 responses were submitted. 

What would you like to see in your Resource Center space? (i.e. study area, lounge area, kitchen area, etc.)

  • “study area (the chairs around the center table are a bit bulky/not comfortable)”
  • “Study Supplies, New Books from AIS classes, Coffee Table, Power Strips, Printer Ink”

What activities do you participate in at in the Resource Center?

  • “just utilizing desktop for zoom”
  • “Studying, Work, Online Classes, Workshops”

What is working in the existing Resource Center?

  • “Computers, Kitchen Area”

What can be improved in the existing Resource Center?

  • “the space feels small/cram...maybe there is a way to reorganize the furniture so there feels like there is more room?”
  • “Organization and storage”
  • “What environment would you like to experience in the Resource Centers?”
  • “meet more people”
  • “safe and comfortable”


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Communication to Ӱ ASI Leaders, and Cultural Student Organization Leaders - November 19, 2021

Dear students,

As stated in the 2020 Ӱ Equity and Action Report, President Conoley’s highest facilities priority is ensuring the student cultural resource centers are reflected prominently in the university’s master plan. Today, I am pleased to provide a status update on behalf of the staff working so diligently on this initiative. These resource centers are invaluable to our community. They represent decades of student involvement and a very special historical legacy. These centers are more than spaces; they are homes to communities that have undoubtedly supported thousands of resilient students in successfully earning degrees from the Beach. We are committed to making sure future generations of students have community environments that cultivate the same success, but in newly renovated space with far more resources available.

Our fundamental goal: Create a new, beautifully renovated home for the student cultural resource centers. To achieve this goal, we have already been engaging in a thorough consultation process with wide student input. We know getting this right is critical and we have plenty of time to make sure all voices are heard in the process. We do not have the pressure of a short timeline.  The current centers can remain in their current location until at least May 2023.

Summary of Progress:
Student Kick-Off Meeting with 20-25 student leaders
Eight (8) 1-hour student focus groups provided initial feedback on space needs
Questionnaire for center staff, including student assistants
Online student survey and digital open feedback form open to all students
Three (3) student organizations and six (6) student leaders have met with university leadership
Staff and student leaders tour of the newly renovated Diversity Initiatives and Resource Centers at CSU, Fullerton

Next Steps:
All feedback will be collected and analyzed in the formation of a proposed plan
The proposed plan will be shared with students in the centers, student organizations, and Associated Ӱ, Inc. for additional input and feedback

If you are inspired to participate in this in-depth consultation process and would like to be a part of designing the student cultural resource centers of the future, please contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs and Inclusion at Stay tuned for additional updates on the proposed plans in the coming months on the OMA webpage.

Take care and be well,
Beth Lesen, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs

Communication Update - May 11, 2022

Dear students,

I'm excited to report the valuable feedback from students has been collected and analyzed. After a thorough review of available spaces on campus, President Conoley and Provost Scissum Gunn have both approved a plan to create schematic drawings/renderings of the cultural resource centers inside the University Library. We look forward to sharing more information and the drawings with students when they are available.

Thank you and Go Beach,
Beth Lesen, Ph.D.
Vice President of Student Affairs

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Proposed plan with first rendering of new location shared with students in the centers, student organizations, and Associated Ӱ, Inc. for additional feedback.

Beach Building Services, Student Affairs Vice President, and Associate Vice President met with staff from the Office of Multicultural Affairs, Women’s and Gender Equity Center, and Student Life and Development staff to discuss the potential move, field questions, and get feedback.

Rendering of Cultural Resource Centers in University Library

Rendering of Cultural Resource Centers in University Library

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September 15, 2022


We hope all is well. The Black Student Union is requesting to meet with President Jane Conoley and Vice President of Student Affairs Beth Lesen to follow up on our previous discussion about Action Items for Ӱ. We would like to meet on the 29th of September at 10 am, in person. This is the one time our Board Members are available to meet. Hopefully, this will work to accommodate our schedules.

Thank You,
Ayoola Fadonougbo
ӰState University, Long Beach
President, Black Student Union

September 28, 2022

Here is the list of attendees. If there are any update to the list, we will be sure to let you know.

Attendees ('*' denotes possible attendance):

Ayoola Fadonougbo
Michael Stemage
Victoria Ufondu
Janeice Midgett*
Diamond Byrd
Dr. M. Keith Claybrook
Randall Santiago
Sophia Manjarrez
Phoebe Segales
Alfredo Heredia

Thank you,

Ayoola Fadonougbo
President, Black Student Union

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September 29, 2022

October 2, 2022, at 12:04 a.m.

Good Evening,

On behalf of the Organization of Historically Oppressed Ӱ (OHOS), the BSU thanks you for taking time to help organize/attend the meeting we had this past Thursday, September 29th. Additionally, the OHOS would like to communicate that we are still expecting a response of intent to pursue plans for a 6-story Multicultural Resource Building-in writing-by Monday, October 3rd at 5:00pm.

Thank You,

Ayoola Fadonougbo
ӰState University, Long Beach
President, Black Student Union

Reply 9:01 a.m.

I enjoyed hearing from all of you and appreciate the vision you shared.  I wii be able to respond comprehensively by October 10.  My schedule has been quite packed since we met.  


Jane Close Conoley, Ph.D.
Cal State Long Beach
Pronouns: She, her

Reply 3:35 p.m.


To reiterate, we understand that you cannot give us a comprehensive reply by October 3rd at 5pm. What we do want is a “Statement of Commitment.” This means that by 5pm on Monday, October 3rd, we would like in writing that you are committed to seeing our demands through.

The Statement of Commitment does not have to be a comprehensive plan, nor does it have to be an extensive message. It is just a statement that tells us you will be working on adhering to our demands. It will serve as a preliminary statement until you can give us a comprehensive update on October 10th.

Thank you,

Ayoola Fadonougbo
ӰState University, Long Beach
President, Black Student Union


October 10, 2022, at 4:09 p.m.

Dear OHOS,

In the course of doing research around developing space for OHOS, I’ve discovered that because the building you described is not an “academic” building, no state funding would be available. Such a venture would require a public/private partnership or a student fee. As you consider some of the realities of space on a CSU campus, please keep in mind that renovations take considerably less time than new buildings. In my years as president, we have built a few new buildings – all of which were products of many years of planning.

To move forward, I need a decision from the members of OHOS by October 17, 2022. We have already invested over $50,000 in planning for a Cultural Group space in the Library (e.g., renderings, air flow studies, lighting, etc.). If your members reject this temporary space, we need to know immediately to conserve resources. Any other option will require a move to temporary space once the PH 1 project starts.

I suggest you discuss possibilities at the Student Union with Miles Nevin and Sylvana Cicero. ASI is in a planning phase to renovate the USU which could include the dining commons footprint as well as other locations. Such locations would fill some of the needs you outlined for accessibility, central location, easy access to other services, and security. This would also allow for delegations of students to help design the space for the cultural centers from the ground up.

As with many important projects, it is not likely that any of the present members of the Organization of Historically Oppressed Ӱ will inhabit a new space as students. I appreciate your forward thinking and hope that you would celebrate your vision for students who follow you, and visit a future space when you are alumni/ae of the Beach. Just like those who plant sapling trees; they do so for the future!

In summary, please:

  • provide a commitment or not, that you will temporarily inhabit a renovated space in the library by Oct. 17. When you indicate your willingness to use that space, we will continue work on it and, of course, invite your input. I don’t see an alternative that allows you to be continuously housed.
  • consult with Miles Nevin and Sylvana Cicero about possibilities in a new vision for an expanded USU.
  • Consult with Mark Zakhour about how building and design works on our campus (

Jane Close Conoley, Ph.D.


October 17, 2022, at 3:07 p.m.

Hello, President Conoley,

Thank you for your email. We appreciate you for taking the time to send a response.

To preface our response, we would like to state that the structure of this response statement addresses each paragraph of your response in order.

Our response is as follows:

First, what comprises an “academic” building? Given that we are creating a space with many features suited for our underrepresented student population, it seems very feasible that we can incorporate any needed factors into the design of the Multicultural Resource Building (MRB) and have it double as an academic building, and thus, we can secure state funding.

Additionally, considering that you are the President of a top CSU, we are certain that you are able to use your position of power to secure public/private connections that provide funding for the historically underrepresented students you promised to make equitable actions for on the campus of Ӱ-with the action at hand is the building of the MRB.

Regarding the $50,000 spent on moving the Cultural Resource Centers to the basement of the library, that was an irresponsible move made by you and your team given that the communities which inhabit the centers didn’t approve of the move and the spending.

Furthermore, we were informed that one of the persons active in the decision of this move is the Dean of Health and Human Services, Dr. Monica Lounsbery. Since they are laying claim to the PH1 project, they are also accountable for the displacement of underrepresented students on campus. They must be a part of the conversation with the OHOS when discussing temporary spaces for our centers.

As of right now, we cannot give a definitive response as we are balancing midterms and extracurriculars. Also, we need time to have discussions with OMA and those renovating the USU before our final answer. We can provide a definitive response by the end of the month, but as of now, we have a few suggestions for a temporary space as we are still adamant about not moving to the basement of the library:

  • The Beach Dining Plaza, an empty space on campus, can be used as a temporary placement.
  • The bottom floor of FO3, along with its second floor, can be renovated to make more office space for faculty while housing our centers and OMA.

*It must be stated in a contract, by the school and approved by President Conoley, that this is a temporary space, and plans for a permanent space must be put in place before the move.*

More ideas we have for a permanent space after the move to a temporary space:

  • Incorporate the Bookstore into the new USU and we can use the Bookstore space as grounds for the MRB.
  • Incorporate the Beach Dining Plaza (BDP) into the new USU and we can use the Beach Dining Plaza space as grounds for the MRB.
  • Incorporate both the Bookstore and BDP into the new USU and we can use the Bookstore and BDP space as grounds for the MRB or a “Multicultural Resource Village” (village since there will be more area to build).

We would like to add that the Women’s Gender and Equity Center (WGEC) has not been given any clear reasoning as to why a move for them is necessary, and if it is safe for them to stay in the Shakarian Student Success Center (SSSC). We ask that a proper response, founded and backed by reason and evidence, is given as to why they should move and if their stay in the SSSC is safe. Furthermore, regardless of whatever reason, the WGEC demands that they stay in their current space.

We understand that we will not be present as students using this space in the future, and we appreciate your acknowledgment of this. As we plant this sapling tree, we expect this institution-Ӱ-to provide proper food, water, and sunlight to this sapling tree after the Organization of Historically Oppressed Ӱ sowed the seed in good faith that Ӱ will take the proper steps to grow it.

Thank you, President Conoley, for the transparency and support you’ve shown in the process of creating the MRB. We hope for this to continue as our meaningful dialogue and, more importantly, action on this matter progresses.

The Organization of Historically Oppressed Ӱ


November 7, 2022

Dear OHOS Members,

I hope you are all well and dealing with the stresses associated with midterm exams and the rapidly approaching holidays.  As always, I trust you can put your academic success as your top priority.  Please read what follows as having no time lines.

I am of the impression that you do not want to move into a fully renovated, 8,000 square foot library space.  Given that impression, I have stopped the work on that space.  Stopping the work is likely to cause it to not be available in the summer of 2024 when the project for CHHS will begin. 

I understand that you have not yet spoken about the expansion of the USU as a future space for your organizations.  While this is a more long-term project, I do hope it would be completed within a reasonable timeline and allow you a chance to design spaces “from the ground up.”  The tradeoff might be that the available space in the expanded USU will likely be smaller than the space in the library.

I was told recently that you are looking at the space currently occupied by the Bookstore.  That space will not be available, so is not likely worth your analysis.

A space we have not discussed is locating in our Research Foundation Office Building.  This is a modern, attractive building, but it is on the edge of campus.  If you find that of interest, I’m happy to provide you with more information about what is available.

Take care.  Good luck on your finals next month!


Jane Close Conoley, Ph.D.
She Her

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March 10, 2023


Isaac Julian
Mitali Jain
Jeremy Ramos
Lynda Howard
Rena Youssef
Ayoola Fadonougbo
Randall Santiago
Sophia Manjarrez
Norma Salcedo
Brenden Thomas Cashatt
Paul Carter
Jacqueline Aparicio
Terri Armstrong
Joe Nino
Arnecia Bryant
Miles Nevin
Sylvana Cicero
John Hamilton
Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto

March 16, 2023 at 12:54 p.m.

Dear students,

Thank you for engaging as a group in a thoughtful and robust conversation regarding the next steps for the student cultural resource centers last week. Your commitment to and investment in this project is evident. 

To memorialize our conversation and ensure we share clarity going forward, we want to briefly summarize the key points of our conversation and review our next action items. As requested, attached are the presentation slides shared on Friday with some additions.

Inclusive Consultation Approach

Student Affairs staff members (those indicated on the slides) will reach out over the next few weeks to organize inclusive consultations and solicit as much student input as possible. We heard your concerns that 1) students who don’t currently frequent the centers will have input and 2) this approach has not been successful in the past. Before these meetings, we will ensure as many details as possible regarding square footage and timelines have been finalized. All historically minoritized groups listed will be involved in the consultation process, including, but not limited to, students identifying as Black, Latinx, AAPI, American Indian, Muslim, LGBTQ, and Jewish. This process will involve cultural student organizations beyond those affiliated with the OHOS, and staff members will work with those groups accordingly. During the consultation process, all student participants will receive consistent information regarding location options, amenities, space, and timeline.

Location Preference

Based on the 3 location options shown on the grid of location amenities (Library, Foundation, and USU), the OHOS clearly identified the University Student Union as the only desired location for its centralized location, visibility, access to student parking, and the perceived safety it provides to students walking through campus. We shared that the University Dining Plaza and Bookstore area are not currently available for the centers.

*Important Note: Almost all of the requests made by students can be fulfilled in either the Foundation Building or the Library, apart from a centralized location. However, because the design for the USU is in progress, there can be no guarantee on specific location and that all the same requests can be fulfilled by the USU (specifically a kitchen, computer lab, dedicated multipurpose space and storage space). This point is essential for students to consider when selecting a desired location.

University Student Union Requests

The following requests were made regarding specifically for the USU location spaces:

  • Centralized location in which all centers can be together
  • Privacy and autonomy to avoid dehumanization (ex. unsolicited photography) and for management to notify resource centers upon scheduled tours
  • Meeting room space for student organizations, possibly with moveable walls to create various size spaces
  • OMA Assistant Directors nearby, but not sharing space with the centers
  • Kitchen appliances, sink, and refrigerator to cook food since campus options can be cost-prohibitive. The ASI Beach Kitchen was suggested as a suggested alternative.
  • Computer lab space for students to work on assignments
  • Access to mental health counseling as well as professional, academic, and career counselors or cross-trained Assistant Directors

Temporary Space Structure Preferences

Beach Building Services will evaluate the most suitable locations for temporary space structures. We have noted the preferences of the HHS 1 and 2 grassy area, the USU North Lawn, or near the Central Plant.

Action Items

  • Friday, 3/17 @ 12 p.m. – Staff will visit the current cultural resource centers
  • Creation of a Slack group to enhance communication

Again, we sincerely appreciate the opportunity to share the conversation with you and look forward to more engagement with students in the coming weeks. We will see you on Friday (tomorrow)!

All the best,

Sylvana Cicero

ASI Associate Executive Director
University Student Union
Student Recreation & Wellness Center
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her/Ella
o: 562.985.7868 c: 562.307.2398

Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto she/her (Ed.D. ’19)

Director of Special Projects
(562) 985-2655 | Student Affairs

June 13, 2023 at 4:52 p.m.

Dear students,

I hope your summer is going very well so far. I want to sincerely thank you for your participation and
leadership in our inclusive consultation meetings regarding the student cultural resource centers.
We held 16 student meetings during April and May and met with a total of 123 students. Our
timeline was delayed by about two weeks to accommodate one additional meeting opportunity for
AAPI students after final exams. This group was significantly underrepresented, and we felt it was
important to offer an additional opportunity to appropriately consult this group. We appreciate your

You all have been key stakeholders during this process and we want to ensure your input has been
heard accurately. After reviewing all the information provided during the consultations, I want to
confirm that the University Student Union is still the preference of location for your specific groups.
Can you please reply by next Tuesday, 6/20 to confirm that the University Student Union is still
your preference? If you are not able to respond, we will proceed with your agreement that the
USU is still your preference.

Separately, we will be organizing two meeting opportunities next week to review the consultation
feedback with student representatives and I hope you will join if you are available. Please keep an
eye out for that invitation forthcoming.

If you have any questions, please feel free to let me know and I look forward to your response.

Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto she/her (Ed.D. ’19)
Director of Special Projects
(562) 985-2655 | Student Affairs
In crisis? Text BEACH to 741741 for free 24/7 support


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Tour of Cultural Resource Centers - March 17

Ӱ staff members, including ASI professional staff, took a tour of the current cultural resource centers. Staff included Sylvana Cicero, Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto, Arnecia Bryant, Terri Armstrong, Paul Carter, and Brenden Cashatt. Centers toured included the Black Resource Center, Raza Resource Center, Muslim Resource Center, LGBTQ Resource Center, and AAPI Resource Center.

Tour of Foundation Building - April 21

Ӱ staff members and students visited the Foundation Building for a tour of the optional space.


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To re-engage with as many student stakeholders as possible and include all historically marginalized groups, Student Affairs initiated an inclusive consultation process to solicit input on the three identified location options: Foundation Building, University Library - Lower Level, and University Student Union. During the consultation process, all student participants will receive consistent information regarding location options, amenities, space, and timeline. Student Affairs staff members listed below were charged with organizing inclusive gatherings for the student groups as identified below and assigned to gather feedback from the student participants.

Student Group Staff Student Groups Meeting Information (as available)
Puvungna Resource Center Anna Nazarian-Peters & Passi American Indian Student Council  4/18
Asian American/Pacific Islander Resource Center Alondra Enriquez & Annabelle Cariaga Student Associations: PAC, Cambodian, Korean American, Japanese, Nikkei, South Asian, Pacific Islander, Vietnamese, AAPI FSL Orgs, AAPI Academic Orgs, *SAMEAN 4/14
Beach Hillel ChayaLeah Sufrin Beach Hillel, Ӱ Supporting Israel 3/14
Black Resource Center Paul Carter Black Student Union, NPHC, Academic Orgs, *SAMEAN 4/6
LGBT Resource Center Brenden Cashatt Queer Ӱ’ Alliance, Transgender Empowerment & Advocacy 4/28
Muslim Resource Center Anna Nazarian-Peters Muslim Student Association, Lebanese Student Association 5/3
Raza Resource Center Norma Salcedo, Alondra Enriquez Latinx Student Union, La F.U.E.R.Z.A., Latinx FSL Orgs, Latinx Academic Orgs 3/22
ASI Senate Miles Nevin   4/12


Cultural Resource Centers Student Presentation - PDF

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June 13, 2023 at 5:02 p.m.

Dear students,

I hope your summer is going very well so far. I want to sincerely thank you for your participation and
leadership in our inclusive consultation meetings regarding the student cultural resource centers.
We held 16 student meetings during April and May and met with a total of 123 students. Our
timeline was delayed by about two weeks to accommodate one additional meeting opportunity for
AAPI students after final exams. This group was significantly underrepresented, and we felt it was
important to offer an additional opportunity to appropriately consult this group. We appreciate your

As agreed, I’d like to schedule an in-person meeting with key student representatives who attended
the consultations to review the feedback together as a group. Understanding that schedules may be
difficult to manage, I have identified 2 opportunities next week.

  • Thursday, June 22 at 1pm – Lunch Provided
  • Friday, June 23 at 1pm – Lunch Provided

If you can please reply with your attendance (and the attendance of any other students), I will make
sure we have an appropriate size meeting space and enough food and beverages. Please let me
know if you have any questions or concerns.

Looking forward to hearing back from you,

Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto she/her (Ed.D. ’19)
Director of Special Projects
(562) 985-2655 | Student Affairs
In crisis? Text BEACH to 741741 for free 24/7 support

Cultural Resource Center Student Feedback Presentation - PDF

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June 28 at 11:40 a.m.

Hello all,
I hope everyone enjoyed a wonderful weekend. I am following up from our meetings last week. I want to sincerely thank everyone for thoughtful discussion and productive conversation regarding the next steps of the cultural resource centers. We know how important these spaces are for our student communities and we all appreciate the care taken to thoughtfully consider all the options for a permanent home. Attached to this message you will find a copy of the presentation and notes we reviewed as a group.
To memorialize our conversation, I want to reiterate the collective decision to designate the University Student Union as the final location of the student cultural resource centers with an expected opening date of Fall 2028. Over the next year, and years to come, there will be many opportunities to review the USU renovated building and the hope is to include consistent student representatives throughout the process as well as Associated Student, Inc., the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and Student Life & Development among others.

Next Step

July 14 – The University Student Union and Student Recreation & Wellness Center Board of Trustees (UREC BOT) will formalize the decision to house the cultural resource centers through a proposed memorandum of understanding with Student Affairs at the July 14th meeting. You all are welcome to attend this meeting at 1:00pm in the ASI Senate Chambers to witness the action.
I am also including a link to the  as referenced in our meeting.
It has been a pleasure working with all of you these last few months and I hope you continue to see me as a resource in the future. Please feel free to reach out to me with any questions or concerns.
Thank you so much,
Melissa Norrbom Kawamoto

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On July 14, the ASI UREC Board of Trustees unanimously agreed to a Memorandum of Understanding with Student Affairs to designate the future permanent location of the cultural resource centers to the renovated University Student Union scheduled to open Fall 2028.

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All students, regardless of sex, race, color, national origin, or any other protected identity, who are interested in the program’s mission and focus, are welcome and eligible to participate in all Office of Belonging & Inclusion (OBI) events and programs.