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No refunds of any payment after February 24 unless you find a replacement for your spot. Tour Payments: Space is limited. The first students submitting deposits to CPIE will be admitted. You must submit the bottom portion of the form as an application to Dr. Marshall prior to paying your deposit to CPIE. $500 non-refundable deposit to CPIE by February 17. $400 to CPIE by March 16 $365 to CPIE by April 20 . Course credit paid to CPIE. ACCOMODATIONS:TBA PRE-TOUR MEETINGS: 12:00PM Monday, Feb. 3, Hallway outside 015 2) Tuesday, March 24 , Hallway outside 015 REGISTER:  HYPERLINK "https://csulb-sa.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.MapSearch" https://csulb-sa.terradotta.com/index.cfm?FuseAction=Programs.MapSearch ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: Dr. Suzanne Marshall, e-mail  HYPERLINK "mailto:Suzanne.Marshall@csulb.edu" Suzanne.Marshall@csulb.edu; cell 760-412-2889 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Please cut off and submit the following information to Dr. Marshall before making your deposit. Name: Cell Phone ID # Address: E-mail: Emergency contact : Cell: Roommate preferences:1) 2) 3) *This course is not limited to students. You may take a friend. It fills quickly so sign up early.  !"')+,.23LMNUhʳznbN= h:0h? 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