Provide Other Referrals for On-Campus and Off-Campus Services

You may also provide a list of referrals directly to students, especially if they do not want you to file a CARES report.  A lengthy list of on-campus and off-campus services for many of the challenges faced by students is available on the Faculty Center website.  Below, we provide the contact information for some of the more commonly used services on and off campus.


Basic Needs Program
562.985.2038 • 
University Library 011

Beach Recovery
(562) 985-4609 •
Student Health Services 268

Bob Murphy Access Center (BMAC)
562.985.5401 •
Location: Student Success Center - 110

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)
(562) 985-4001
Brotman Hall 226

Ӱ University Police Department
Non-Emergency Line: 562.985.4101
Anonymous Crime Tip Line: 562.986.5131

Dean of Ӱ Office
562.985.8670 • 
University Student Union 219

Dream Success Center
562.985.5869 •
Student Success Center – 290

Legal Resource Center
COB 322 • 

Ӱ Building ED2- RM 155

Student Health Services
562.985.4771 • 
Student Health Services Building

Veterans Services
562.985.5115 • 
Brotman Hall – 270

Women’s and Gender Equity Center
562.985.8575 • 
Student Success Center – 240 


Non-emergency resource for anyone in Ӱseeking emotional support via phone and webchat

Text 741741 
24 hour crisis counseling and referrals via text.

(888) 843-4564
Safe space that is anonymous and confidential

Connects to a 24 hour hotline in your city.

24 hour crisis line for crisis counseling and referrals.  Also has an online chat option.

1-800-950-NAMI • 
Peer-support service providing information, resource referrals and support to people living with a mental health conditions, their family members and caregivers, mental health providers and the public.  10am-6pm

Free, confidential, 24/7, 365-day-a-year treatment referral and information service (in English and Spanish) for individuals and families facing mental and/or substance use disorders.

USDA National Hunger Hotline
(866) 3-HUNGRY •  Text: #97779
Representative will find food resources such as meal sites, food banks, and other social services near you.

800-273-8255 •  Text to 838255
24 hour hotline Connecting veterans in crisis and their families and friends with Department of Veterans Affairs responders through a confidential toll-free hotline, online chat, or text.

(877) 943-5778
24 hour crisis intervention and accompaniment (police, hospitals, courts)


800-854-7771 • Text “LA” to 741741
Mental health information and referrals

562-634-9534 • 6060 Paramount Boulevard, Long Beach
Crisis intervention and stabilization for adults who have been diagnoses with a serious mental illness who are experiencing a mental health crisis.

MultiService Center Long Beach
(562) 570-4500 •  1301 W. 12th Street, Long Beach
Wide range of services for low-income families and individuals

Telephone and online support for anyone seeking information or linkage to any of the Orange County Health Care Agency's Behavioral Health Services

562.548.6565 • 3210 Long Beach Blvd., Long Beach
24-hour mental health urgent care. Psychiatry, crisis intervention and case management services available.

(562) 434-4455
Provides health, mental health, legal, and educational services for lgbtq individuals

800-852-5770 •
Supplemental nutrition program for women, infants, and children