Clorinda Donato

Clorinda Donato’s research addresses three distinct fields: eighteenth-century studies, the Intercomprehension of the Romance languages, and translation studies. In eighteenth-century studies she researches knowledge transfer through translation and genre adaptation in encyclopedic compilations and the prose narrative in the global eighteenth century. She also works on gender in medical and literary accounts, the Catholic and Protestant Enlightenments in Italy and Europe, Freemasonry, and book history.

Her work in Romance languages focuses on multilingual competencies across the Romance language family known as Intercomprehension. Translation plays a significant role in her cultural studies and language pedagogy research. The textbook, Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish, produced with co-authors Cedric Joseph Oliva, Daniela Zappador-Guerra, and Manuel Romero, was published with Hackett Publishing Company in 2020.

She has published over 100 articles and book chapters on these topics. She has co-edited four collections, of which her most recent, Translation and Transfer of Knowledge in Encyclopedic Compilations 1680–1830s with Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink, will appear with University of Toronto Press in October 2021. She has co-edited Fanny Hill Now, a special issue of Eighteenth-Century Life, with Nicholas Nace, in April 2019; in 2015 she published The ‘Գ⳦DZé徱 Méthodique’ in Spain, Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment with her former student, Ricardo Lopez.

Her monograph, The Life and Legend of Catterina Vizzani: Sexual Identity, Science and Sensationalism in Eighteenth-Century Italy and England, appeared with Oxford University Studies in the Enlightenment in 2020, the same year as the co-edited volume with Stephen Cooper, John Fante's ASK THE DUST: A Joining of Voices, published by Fordham University Press in their Italian American Series. She was the Principal Investigator for the NEH-funded project “French and Italian for Spanish Speakers” 2011-2014.


  • 1987 UCLA, Ph.D., Romance Languages, Literatures and Linguistics
  • 1980 UCLA, M.A., Italian
  • 1974 UC Berkeley, B.A., Italian

  • 2015 Cedric Joseph Oliva, Clorinda Donato, Alan Gómez, and Manuel Romero. Juntos: French for Speakers of English and Spanish. George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies, 2015. Redshelf. Web.
  • 2014 Clorinda Donato, Cedric Joseph Oliva, Daniela Zappador-Guerra, and Manuel Romero. Juntos: Italian for Speakers of English and Spanish. George L. Graziadio Center for Italian Studies, 2014. Redshelf. Web.
  • 2004 Inventory of De Felice’s ‘Գ⳦DZé徱 d’Yverdon’: A Comparative Study with Diderot’s ‘Գ⳦DZé徱.’ Centre international pour l’étude du dix-huitième siècle.

  • 2015 Enlightenment Spain and the Գ⳦DZé徱 méthodique, Clorinda Donato and Ricardo Lopez, Oxford Studies in the Enlightenment.
  • 2015 The Diva in Modern Italian Culture, Katharine Mitchell and Clorinda Donato, co-editors, Italian Studies, 70:3.
  • 2014 Jesuit accounts of the colonial Americas: intercultural transfers, intellectual disputes, and textualities Clorinda Donato; Hans-Jürgen Lüsebrink; Marc André Bernier, Toronto: Published by the University of Toronto Press, in association with the UCLA Center for Seventeenth-and Eighteenth-Century Studies and the William Andrews Clark Memorial Library.
  • 2009 Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance in the Eighteenth Century, Hans Erich Bödeker, Clorinda Donato, and Peter Reill, editors, University of Toronto Press.
  • 2005 L'"Գ⳦DZé徱" d'Yverdon et sa résonance européenne. Contextes - contenus - continuités, Jean-Daniel Candaux, Alain Cernuschi, Clorinda Donato, and Jens Haesler, editors, Slatkine.
  • 1992 The Գ⳦DZé徱 and the Age of Revolution, Clorinda Donato and Robert M. Maniquis, editors, (Clorinda Donato, catalogue author,) G.K. Hall.

Book cover of Enlightenment Spain and the 'Գ⳦DZé徱 méth

Enlightenment Spain and the "Գ⳦DZé徱 Méthodique"

Book cover of Italian Studies Journal

The Diva in Modern Italian Culture

Book cover of Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas

Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas

Book cover of Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance

Discourses of Tolerance and Intolerance

Book cover L'Գ⳦DZé徱 d'Yverdon et sa résonance européen

L'Գ⳦DZé徱 d'Yverdon et sa résonance européenne

Book cover of the Encyclopedie and the Age of Revolution

The Գ⳦DZé徱 and the Age of Revolution

  • “Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice e l’Գ⳦DZé徱 d’Yverdon: reti massoniche e cosmopolite nel transfer di conoscenza e cultura enciclopedica nel secolo dei lumi,” in Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice (1723-1789): Un intellettuale cosmopolita nell’Europa dei lumi, Ed. Stefano Ferrari, Milano: FrancoAngeli, 2017 (103-140).
  • “Discours sur l’autorité des historiens contemporains (1785) de Girolamo Tiraboschi dans l’édition de Padoue de l’Գ⳦DZé徱 méthodique,” in Panckoucke et l’Գ⳦DZé徱 méthodique. Ordre de matières et transversalité, Eds. Martine Groult and Luigi Delia, Classiques Garnier 2017.
  • Clorinda Donato and Cedric Oliva, “The Future is Multilingual: French, Italian, and Portuguese for Spanish Speakers,” ADFL Bulletin, Vol. 44, No. 1 (2016) pp. 112-127.
  • “Between Myth and Archive, Alchemy and Science in Eighteenth-Century Naples: The Cabinet of Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo,” Life Forms in the Thinking of the Long Eighteenth Century, edited by Keith Michael Baker, and Jenna M. Gibbs, UCLA Clark Library Memorial Series 24, University of Toronto Press 2016, pp. 208-232.
  • Clorinda Donato and Cedric Oliva, “The Ties that Bind: Italian for Spanish Speakers in Intercomprehension,” in Intercomprehension and Multilingualism’: Teaching Italian to Romance Language Speakers, ed. Roberto Dolci, Calandra Institute Transactions, 2015.
  • Clorinda Donato, “The Trajectory of the Diva in Grand Tour Italy: Antonia Cavallucci and the Politics of Beauty and Fame,” in Katharine Mitchell and Clorinda Donato, co-editors, The Diva in Modern Italian Culture, Italian Studies, 70:3, (2015) pp. 311-329.
  • Clorinda Donato and Violet Pasquarelli-Gascon, “The Language of the Other: Italian for Spanish Speakers through Intercomprehension,” Italica (2015) pp. 713-736.
  • “Program Mergers and Closings,” Susan C. Anderson and Clorinda Donato, eds., Profession (MLA) (2015).
  • “The Monolingual International,” Susan C. Anderson and Clorinda Donato, eds., Forum, ADFL Bulletin, (MLA) Vol. 43, No. 1 (2014).
  • “Esoteric Reason and Occult Science: Seamless Pursuits in the Work and Networks of Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo, 1710-1771,”in The Radical Enlightenment: The Big Picture and its Details, Philosophica, 89, (2014), pp. 179-237.
  • “The Politics of Writing, Translating, and Publishing. New World Histories in Post-Expulsion Italy: Filippo Salvatore Gilij’s Saggio di Storia Americana,” in Jesuit Accounts of the Colonial Americas—Textualities, Intellectual Disputes, Intercultural Transfers, Marc-André Bernier, Clorinda Donato, Hans-Juergen Luesebrink, editors, University of Toronto Press, 2014, pp. 222-254. (Book Chapter)
  • Il Nuovo mondo “für deutsche Leser” di Matthias Christian Sprengel: La Traduzione tedesca di Saggio di storia americana (1780-1784) di Filippo Salvatore Gilij,” in Stefano Ferrari, ed., Scienze, storia e arte: traduzioni e transfert nel Settecento tra Francia, Italia e Germania, Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati, 2014, pp. 175-193. (Book Chapter)
  • Cindy Stanphill and Clorinda Donato, “Periphery and Centre in the Evolution of the Novelistic Genre in Venice: Carlo Gozzi’s 1764 Translation of John Cleland’s Fanny Hill,” in The Marginal and the Mainstream in the Eighteenth Century, Cambridge Scholars Press, pp. 68-87, 2013. (Book chapter)
  • “The Monolingual International,” Susan C. Anderson and Clorinda Donato, eds., Forum, ADFL Bulletin, Vol. 43, No. 1 (2013)
  • Clorinda Donato and Pierre Escudé, “Intercomprehension:  A Multilingual Romance Languages Learning Project,” Language Educator, October 2013. (Article)

  • 2016 – Ӱ Outstanding Professor Award
  • 2014 – Small Faculty Grant Travel Award, $5,000
  • 2014 – CCPE Online Course Development Grant for Italian 201 hybrid
  • 2013 – CCPE Online Course Development Grant
  • 2013 – Research Stimulation Award
  • 2012 – Education Award, Humanitarian and Leadership Awards, Sons of Italy Western Foundation, Order Sons of Italy in America, Grand Lodge of  California
  • 2012 – Corresponding Member, Accademia Roveretana degli Agiati
  • 2012-14 – Member at Large, American Society for Eighteenth-Century Studies  (ASECS), Executive Committee
  • 2012-13 – Research, Scholarly and Creative Activity Award, Ӱ
  • 2011-14 – National Endowment for the Humanities “French and Italian for Spanish Speakers.”
  • 2010 – French Cultural Services “French for Spanish Speakers” (also awarded in previous 4 years)
  • 2005 – Chevalier dans Ordre des Palmes Académiques, Awarded by the French Government
  • 2004 – ProHelvetia Foundation Seminar on the teaching of Swiss French Literature, Sept 20-Oct 1, 2004.
  • 2000 – Prix Fondation de Felice. (Literary prize of 5,000 Swiss Francs awarded at the Dies Academicus of the University of Lausanne).
  • 1998 – Distinguished Faculty Scholarly and Creative Achievement Award