Faculty Mentorship

METRIC scholars are assigned a faculty mentor in their major to provide support across multiple domains, including how to navigate their major, offer research opportunities, identify academic and professional goals, and develop the self-efficacy and leadership skills that students need to succeed.

METRIC students are responsible for identifying potential discussion topics and initiating meetings with their discipline mentor(s). Frequent meetings can help build a stronger mentor-mentee relationship that lasts for a lifetime.


METRIC students have experienced a myriad of benefits from meeting with their mentors on a regular basis. Below are testimonials of some of our students' experiences.

Broadening Horizons

Mentors expose students to unimagined possibilities.

"I'm very indecisive. So, I feel like I still haven't decided a path. But, but my mentor has really encouraged me and exposed me to different kinds of fields that I can do. I definitely know that without the METRIC, I wouldn't have decided to apply to grad schools when I'm about to graduate. I feel like my mentor has encouraged me highly to do other things." - Wendolyn (Math, 19-22)

"My mentor helped me a lot. I got accepted into a summer internship through her help. It would have been difficult without her guiding me and reading my statements and how I can improve it and how I can make it better. And also, like, selling myself in a more positive way." - Annika (Geology, 19-22)

"Being in METRIC has influenced my academic goals a lot. Before I joined the program, I would have never thought that one day I'd want to apply for PhD programs. You know, like, even grad school thinking of it before it just seems so out of reach. But now that I'm in METRIC and with my relationship with my advisor and all her encouragement, now I'm looking to apply to PhD programs." - Cyna (Math, 19-22)

"It's definitely helped me become more aware of job options in my field. I came in wanting to teach and then my mentor pushed me to get tutoring jobs and other opportunities on campus. Then I realized that I didn't want to teach. So, I think it's at least allowed me to dabble in different fields without obviously committing to anything." - Zoe (Math, 19-21)

Improved Academics

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ experienced improved academic and transferable skills.

"When we're applying to either research opportunities or internships, we want to have a CV and personal statements so my mentor told us to do a rough draft of those and then she went over them and gave us advice or you should change this or your personal statement needs a little bit more work. So, she has helped me improve my application skills." - Wendolyn (Math, 19-22)

"My communication skills have improved, especially since I normally don't really talk much about myself. Being with a mentor and her asking questions and trying to understand where I'm at and helping me out got me to talk more about myself." - Maria (Physics, 21-23)

Improved Confidence

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ experienced improved confidence.

"Being in METRIC boosted my confidence as a math person. When I'm having really bad days and imposter syndrome, I just remember, 'oh I'm in METRIC and my advisor believes in me.' So that helps a lot." - Cyna (Math, 19-22)

"Being in the METRIC program has definitely boosted my confidence - just seeing how my mentor made it to where she is and how that is sort of what I'm going for. Seeing how she was an international student at first, which I am as well, boosts my confidence." - Maria (Physics, 21-23)

Strong Connections

ÃÛÌÒÓ°Ïñ receive general advice and build a lifelong relationship with their mentors.

"I like that my mentor helped us with our course scheduling because there's a lot of courses that I didn't know about until she recommended some courses." - Zoe (Math, 19-21)

"My mentor really helped me a lot with studying - especially online for physics." - Maria (Physics, 21-23)

"For me, because I'm actually finishing this summer, we talk a lot about master's program. So, I'll actually be going to a master's program after this. We touch basis on studying, continue studying, and how the process is. She recommends me getting a job while I'll be studying." - Daniella (Geology, 20-21)

"I've been meeting with my mentor once a week this semester. Sometimes we just talk about random stuff and we've become friends. We try to focus on what to do after graduating so we're working on keeping my grades up and applying for grad schools and stuff. But, also, we've just built a nice relationship there, and just gossip and stuff too." - Andrew (Chemistry, 19-21)