What Are Appointments?
Appointments are 30-minute advising sessions available to CHHS undergraduate students after you declare your major. Appointments are appropriate for:
- Comprehensive GE & major advising.
- Semester by semester degree progress and planning
- If you are a CHHS pre-major, minor, or certificate student, please refer to our drop-in advising times. Additionally if you are a senior who is getting ready to graduate within the next semester, please come into drop-ins for quick questions.
Steps to Schedule an Appointment:
- Visit the "BeachConnect" icon on your .
- On the far right side, click the “Get Assistance” Button.
- From the drop-down menu choose the type of appointment you need. To meet with your Academic Advisor choose “Academic Advising”.
- Select the type of advising by choosing “Advising Center”. Then select the service “Degree Progress & Planning.”
- Select "College of Health and Human Services Advising Center" from the Location drop-down to view the available appointment times. If you do not see any appointment times, please check at a later date for more availability or contact our front desk.
How to Prepare?
- Review your Academic Requirements Report (ARR) on MyӰ and your Major Requirements Worksheet prior to your appointment.
- Create a list of any questions you have for your advisor.
- Have a laptop/tablet or pen and paper to take notes.
Cancellations, Late Arrivals and No Shows
- Please cancel via BeachConnect at least 24 hours in advance to allow other students to book.
- Please arrive on time to your appointment. If you are running late, please contact our front desk. Your appointment may be canceled if the advisor cannot accommodate you after the start time.
- If you are late or "no show" to two (2) appointments in the same semester, you must meet with a CHHS advisor during drop-in advising hours before you will be able to schedule another 30-minute appointment.